Annual General Meeting

This year’s AGM will be a hybrid meeting, with members welcome to attend via Zoom remotely or in person at Bisley Shooting Ground in Surrey on Saturday 29th March 2025 commencing 1400 hrs.

Please let us know if you will be attending or not by clicking here  

If you have let us know that you would like to attend remotely using the form to register at the bottom of this page, we will then send you an email invite, nearer the time, containing a link and the password to join the meeting at 1400 hrs on Saturday. To join the meeting remotely, via Zoom, we recommend that you download and install the Zoom App depending on your device when prompted to do so for the best experience possible. Although you can join in discussions on the day, you will not be able to take part in any voting without installing the app. If you’d like to download the app before then you can find the version suitable for your device on the Zoom website at

Civica Election Services (CES) are administering voting for the Annual General Meeting on our behalf. If we have a valid email address for you then you’ll receive an email on or just after 17th February 2025* from CES ( to allow you to appoint a proxy and vote on resolutions. Otherwise you’ll receive a letter* in the post with security codes to allow you vote online at Voting closes at 17:30 on Thursday 27th March 2025 You will not be able to cast your vote after this time. 

CPSA AGM 2025 - Agenda
AGM Welcome and Opening Remarks
Apologies for Absence
Ratify Minutes of 2024 AGM
Matters Arising from minutes
Chairman’s Report
Annual Report & Accounts 
Elections to the Board
Life Vice President(s)
Voting for Appointment of Auditor
Voting for Appointment of Honorary Officers:
Hon Solicitor, Hon Shotgun Licensing Advisor, Hon Insurance Advisor
Confirm Appointments of Auditor and Honorary positions.
Review of 2024 and plans for 2025
Close & Safe Journey Home

To download the agenda please click here 

To download the Draft 2024 AGM minutes please click here

Number Resolution Notes
1 To receive the Annual Accounts Means to accept the accounts as a true and accurate record as audited by WR Partners. It does not mean you agree or disagree with, approve or disapprove of, all the income and expenditure figures quoted therein. To view the published account please click here.
2 To re-appoint WR Partners as Auditors Means to re-appoint WR Partners as are our Auditors.
3 To re-appoint Laura Saunsbury as Hon. Solicitor Means to re-appoint Laura Saunsbury (Lewis Nedas Law) as our Hon. Solicitor. Laura was appointed the CPSA’s honorary solicitor and honorary shogun licensing advisor 15 years ago and has guided many of our members during this time through various situations requiring specialist shotgun legal advice. Laura is a regular contributor writing articles for Pull! magazine, and attends our AGM. Laura was awarded a Life Vice President membership of the CPSA at the 2019 AGM for 10 years service.
4 To re-appoint Laura Saunsbury as Hon. Shotgun Licensing Advisor Means to re-appoint Laura Saunsbury (Lewis Nedas Law) as our Hon. Shotgun Licensing Advisor. 
5 To appoint Mark Dawson as Hon. Insurance Advisor Means to re-appoint Mark Dawson (Romero Insurance) as our Hon. Insurance Advisor. 

*Example email / letter: