Terry Bobbett Retires from the CPSA
At the Board meeting on Saturday 23 March 2019 held in the morning prior to the AGM, Terry Bobbett was presented by the board (at their own personal cost) with an engraved silver Armada dish as a thank you for his services to the CPSA for the past 11 years.
Terry had worked tirelessly during this time as a National and Regional Director & Chairman, never missing a board meeting or AGM, together with attending numerous championships, events, and sitting on the boards of The British International Clay Target Shooting Federation, International Clay Target Shooting Council, and International Clay Target Shooting Federation. In addition to this Terry was also awarded a Life Vice Presidency at the AGM, something completely unexpected, requiring a short ‘pause for thought’ before composure for his acceptance speech.
The directors and staff thank Terry for all his support and wish him an enjoyable and restful retirement.