HSE Lead Consultation Update
The HSE has published its final risk assessment following the public consultation last year which we are reviewing, and will continue to work with our fellow associations on this key issue for our sport:
A4template-online (hse.gov.uk)
HSE statement on “Lead in ammunition” UK REACH proposals | HSE Media Centre
In brief, the HSE proposal would be a complete ban of lead shotgun cartridges for clay and game shooting, with a 5 year transition period once the law came into effect. There will be a derogation for a small number of athletes that are required to continue shooting lead shot for the purposes of international competition and training.
A further socio-economic consultation (see link below) period of 60 days now begins followed by a final 3 month consideration period to decide if a restriction on lead in ammunition should be introduced and the law enacted. We encourage members to engage in this consultation process: