CPSA 2020 Top 20s
The official CPSA 2020 Top20s will be published as usual on our website in December 2020 and in the January/February 2021 issue of Pull! Magazine (which will be delivered to your door in late December).
These will be based on our issue 60 classification calculations and your scores from 1st November 2019 to 31st October 2020 (the normal 12-month score collection period) which come into effect from 1st December 2020. It is accepted that this will include the 4-month lockdown period but does give us 8 months of data.
The Top20s criteria will remain the same as normal too e.g. 1000 adjusted targets shot over at least 3 unique grounds for home disciplines.
Following the 1st December classification issue, and restart of our classifications, we will revert back to normal and issue classifications quarterly.
21st October 2020