Kent & Sussex Clubman League 2017
An excellent turnout for the first shoot in the Kent & Sussex Clubman Classic League on Saturday 6th May at Willow Farm Shooting Ground.
If you shoot at any of the following Clubs and would be interested in taking part then please speak to your Club to check the eligibility rules. We are also introducing a new handicap for this years series to help level the playing field!
We look forward to seeing you there for another exciting series. If you have any questions, please contact Richard on 01483 485406 or via richard@cpsa.co.uk
Willow Farm SG – Saturday 6th May. Many congratulations to Willow Farm who took full home advantage to secure the highest team score (top 10) and to Danny Woods from Mill Farm & Steve Simpson from Stonestiles for their scores of 67 with handicaps applied. For the full results click here.
Mill Farm CPC – Saturday 17th June
Stumbletts GC – Sunday 23rd July
Stonestiles SG – Saturday 26th August
Willow Farm SG – Saturday 23rd September (Trophy Shoot)
Saturday 14th October Inter-Clubman superfinal between winners of Hampshire & Kent/Sussex Leagues at Southdown Gun Club.