CPSA Instructors, Coaches & Referees
Dear All
Our new website will be going live in May and it is therefore important that we publish upto date information for people searching for qualified Instructors, Coaches and Referees.
To that end, we would be grateful if you could please complete the contact and opt-in form by following this link to confirm that you wish to be visible on the website and enter any contact details you wish to be publicly available online.
Once the new website goes live all those currently listed within the Find a Referee and Find an Instructor section will not be visible unless you have opted in and submitted the form back to us.
In due course you will be able to login via the members area and update your profile and add a photograph but in the short term we need to ensure we have current data on the site.
Therefore, if you wish to be visible on the new site, please complete the form and submit it by Friday 28th April.