DTL England scores - Nottingham
The first of the 2019 DTL England selection shoots took place at Nottingham on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th April.
Please click here to view the scores. Congratulations to Russ Hufton who finished on 596 ex 600 with 7 points ahead of Runner Up Nicky Waghorne.
The next shoot will take place at North of England CTC on the 5th & 6th May and the final shoot will take place at Brook Bank on the 1st & 2nd June.
Squads for North of England will be posted on the CPSA website from Monday 29th April.
The Team places will be awarded by points taken from the High gun of each two-day selection shoot. For example, if the High Gun at the first selection shoot was 598 ex 600 and you scored 595 ex 600, you would be on 3 points. Your lowest 2 points from the three selection shoots will be used to determine the team. The categories (Ladies, Juniors, Veterans, Super Veterans, Seniors/Open) will then be decided on what make the Team the strongest overall by points.
Please note that the European DTL is self-funded. If you do not wish to represent England at this event, please e-mail Trudy@cpsa.co.uk before the last selection shoot to declare this.
The teams will be announced within 48 hours of the last selection shoot and packs will be sent out to each team member.