Welcome to the English Skeet Team page. Everything you need to know about representing England in this discipline can be found here.
Skeet is a word of Scandinavian origin, though the original discipline originated in America. An English Skeet (ESK) layout has two traps situated in a high house to the left and a low house to the right, about 40 metres apart, which throw the targets across the layout. There are seven stands which the shooter completes from left to right. A sequence is used, where the targets are thrown either as singles, or as pairs where the high and low target are thrown simultaneously.
For more information please click here
To be eligible to represent any England Clay Target Shooting Team please see England Team Handbook.
Please note that if a shooter has already represented another Country/Team in any discipline:
He/she must have been officially resident in the country he/she wishes to represent for a minimum continual period of one year.
A minimum period of two calendar years would have to elapse in which the member has not shot for any country.
Please read the England Team Handbook for England Team full eligibility rules, link above.
The 2025 ICTSC Home International ESK will be held in Northern Ireland - Details to follow.
Stena Line have offered CPSA members a 15% discount for those wishing to travel by car, motor home or motorcycle on their Irish Sea Routes in 2025. If you wish to use this discount for travel to the Home International please go to //stenaline.co.uk/event/club-login and enter your
First Name:
Event Number: N4MA2S
Below is the process used to decide selection for the England ESK Team for Home International Team matches only (under the jurisdiction of the ICTSC).
Selection Shoot Invites
To attend an ESK selection shoot, the shooter must submit 5 best scores from 3 different grounds for the period 1st July 2024 - 28th February 2025. Scores can be used from ANY registered shoot.
Please note: In line with our current rules, if you shoot the same ground on the same day, we can only accept your first score for England Team Selection.
1.14 r) Two registered DTL or ESK shoots can be held on the same day using the same layouts. The second shoot cannot be used for Regional Championships or County Championships. Each shoot will be run as a separate event and fixture, and will have its own set of scores and winners etc. Both scores to count towards classification, but a shooter can only use one score (the first score shot) to count towards England Team selection.
From these scores the top 60 Seniors, 15 Ladies, 15 Juniors, 15 Veterans and 15 Super-veterans are invited to attend the 2 x Selection Shoots, both Selection Shoots must be attended, as it is all scores to count.
Scores can be submitted via this link: ESK Scores
The deadline for submitting these scores is Midnight on 28th February 2025.
England Selection Shoots
If successful you will be invited to attend the England Team selection shoots. There are 2 selection shoots in April 2025 and June 2025. Where these shoots are held is determined by a rota with one being held in the North and one being held in the South. At the end of the 2nd Selection shoot, scores are submitted and points calculated from High Gun. Those with the lowest points will go through to the team.
In the event of a tie for a place in the England Team, the place will be decided by a shoot off.
The category in which you are invited to attend these Selection Shoots may not necessarily be the category in which you are selected for the Team. The England Team is decided upon to produce the strongest Team.
Selection Shoot bookings open at 9:00am on 10th March 2025
Closing date for ESK Selection Shoot entries:
Selection Shoot 1 Midday Monday 7th April 2025
Selection Shoot 2 Midday 9th June 2025
Junior: A Junior is under the age of 21 on the 1st January in the year of competition
Veteran: A Veteran is 55 or over on the 1st January in the year of competition
Super Veteran: A Super Veteran is 65 or over on the 1st January in the year of competition
Please Note: The CPSA reserve the right to change this selection process as necessary due to government restrictions or exceptional circumstances.
The Team Manager for ESK is: Julia Havill contactable via e-mail juliahavill@icloud.com or telephone 07904 288520
The 43rd ICTSC National Skeet Home Countries International Tournament is being hosted by Wales.
The tournament will be held over 150 targets on Friday 23rd August (100 targets) and Saturday 24th August (50 targets).
To be held at: Fauxdegla Shooting Ground, Llandegla, Wrexham, Denbighshire, LL11 3AL. T: 07951 951526
Practice will be available at the ground on Thursday and an Open registered competition will take place on Sunday 25th August. Entries for the Open competition should be booked directly with the shooting ground.
Cartridges will be available to purchase at the shooting ground and gun storage available if required. Please contact the ground directly for details of what ammunition will be available and to place any orders in advance.
2023 Results
2023 ESK Selection Dates
Book | Squads | Results | Points | |||
1st England Selection Shoot | 1-2 April 2023 | Dartford | CPSA | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here |
2nd England SelectionShoot | 17-18 June 2023 | Nottingham & District | CPSA | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here |
Home International | 1-2 September 2023 Lecq Clay Target Club, Jersey |
The post-tournament banquet will be held on Saturday 2nd September 2023 at: The Royal Yacht Hotel, Weighbridge Place, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3NF. T: 01534 720511
2023 England ESK Team 2023 ESK England Team
Congratulations to the ESK England Team competing in the ESK HCIT in Jersey 1-2 September 2023 Full Results HG Results SENIORS JUNIORS LADIES SUPER VETERANS VETERANS
FIREARMS PERMIT: As the 2023 HCIT is being held in Jersey a 'Temporary Firearms Permit' is required to enter Jersey with a firearm.
Please apply for this permit via this link: States of Jersey Police - Temporary Firearms Permit
Border Force paperwork also needs to be completed when visiting Jersey, please use this link: /files/download/1614/Condor-ferries-firearm-declaration-form.pdf
Condor Ferries Firearm / Restricted weapons Declaration - What you must do
The Border Force paperwork MUST be completed at least 48 hours before you travel when travelling with any Firearms or Restricted weapons; This includes but is not limited to Firearms and/or Ammunition, Swords, Knives or Blades (including Chef’s Knives).
Please attach copies of: UK and/or European Firearm Certificates, Authorisation from Prefecture to carry firearms, any Official invitation to an Organised Hunt or Competition, a current valid Firearm, Shotgun, or Registered Firearms Dealer’s (RFD) certificate. These should be available for inspection by either the booking in staff or port security personnel.
Please ensure that you check all the legalities referring to the transportation of arms/ammunition because the laws in Jersey might differ to those in the UK.
Please check our restrictions on what you can carry - https://www.condorferries.co.uk/help-info/faq/onboard-disabled-facilities-faqs/onboard-condor-ferries/can-i-take-my-shotgun-rifle-or-weapon-with-me
Who do you need to send your documents to? You should send this Firearms Declaration document and any attachments to Firearmsdeclaration@condorferries.co.uk
Please note that plastic wad cartridges are NOT used on Jersey, due to Island restrictions ONLY FIBRE CARTRIDGES can be used.
Safe storage of guns will be provided at the range. Please contact Kathy- email kathyhanby2802@gmail.com or Jack mobile 07797725477 with travel details as guns should go straight to the range.
Clay Pigeon Shooting Association Limited (Company number #3146770). Edmonton House, National Shooting Centre, Bisley, Brookwood, Woking, Surrey. GU24 0NP.
T: 01483 485 400 E: info@cpsa.co.uk