CPSA Member Benefits

From shooting clays to shoot days, the CPSA has you covered!

For over 90 years, the CPSA has been supporting clay shooting, but we also support our members across a range of field sports.

All members, regardless of membership level, receive up to £10 million public liability insurance and up to £125,000 personal accident insurance, in activities including:

  • Clay Target Shooting
  • Game Shooting, Rough Shooting, Wild Fowling, Beating & Loading
  • Rifle Shooting (including Stalking)
  • Pest/Vermin Control (non-commercial)
  • Muzzle Loading (including black powder)
  • Air Weapon Shooting (including FAC rated)
  • Archery, and Crossbow Shooting (inc FAC)
  • Angling from Dry Land (including wading)
  • The ownership, cleaning and maintenance of legally-held firearms and ammunition

Full members also receive the following additional benefits: 

  • Legal expense protection through our retained specialist Solicitors Lewis Nedas for use in the case of shotgun certificate revocation or renewal (does not cover first-time shotgun certificate applications).
  • The ability to shoot in CPSA Registered competitions, and to enjoy the vibrant atmosphere and comradery that they offer.
  • Gaining classifications across any disciplines, so that you can learn where you stand as a shooter and compete against people of similar abilities.
  • Eligibility to become a CPSA Coach or Instructor.
  • Eligibility for selection for County and Regional teams, and even for the Team England.

Adult Clubman memberships start as low as £54, Full memberships are £75 (£65 for over 60s), with concessionary rates available for juniors, colts, disabled shooters, Armed Forces members and veterans, those in university full time, and more. 

Click here to learn more.