
HSE Extends Lead in Ammunition Restriction Process


11 Months ago

HSE Extends Lead in Ammunition Restriction Process

HSE is continuing the process to assess if restrictions are required under UK REACH on the use of lead in ammunition.

The timescale for completion of this work has been extended. HSE will now formulate the final Opinion on its restriction proposals by September 2024, with publication after it has been sent to the Appropriate Authorities (i.e. the Defra Secretary of State and the Scottish and Welsh governments).


HSE received a significant number of responses (8,159) to its most recent consultation on the draft socioeconomic analysis Opinion. This extension will enable HSE to process, analyse and where appropriate take account of the information received in the final restriction proposals.


This extension will also enable members of the REACH Independent Scientific Expert Panel (RISEP) to provide the necessary scrutiny and challenge of the Opinion. The decision on whether further regulatory measures under a UK REACH restriction are required will be made by the Appropriate Authorities after receiving the final Opinion from HSE.