Head Office

Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

The Board are pleased to announce the appointment of Iain Parker as CEO. Iain has worked at board level in the branded sports and lifestyle market in sales and marketing…

  • DTL England Team Selections 2019

    Following the recent survey, to those who entered the England Team DTL selection process over the last three years, regarding the recent change to the first stage of the Team…

  • Features of the New CPSA Website

    Many of our members will be aware that the new CPSA website went live last Tuesday. Whilst this is a big change, we hope that it will act as a…

  • Navigating The New CPSA Website

    To assist you as you get to grips with the new CPSA website, below is a step by step guide to helping you find some of the most frequently visited…

  • Website Maintenance

    Our new CPSA website launched yesterday afternoon and we are aware of a few technical issues and problems that many of our users are facing. These issues particularly relate to…

  • DTL England Team Selections 2019 - Suspension of Decision

    Following the recent announcement below on 21st December 2017 regarding a new DTL England Team selection process for 2019, the Board have now agreed to suspend their decision until after a…

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